Accounting expertise

Statutory auditors

Financial Consulting

Legal & Tax

Administrative and social

Setting up the firm
Software used

Notre vision

At affirma, we're much more than an accounting firm. For over ten years, our passion and expertise have enabled us to successfully support and advise a multitude of SMEs, small groups and fast-growing start-ups, including many subsidiaries of foreign groups.

Our mission goes beyond accounting, social, tax and legal obligations. We are driven by a sincere desire to support our customers in all facets of their financial challenges. Our cross-functional, deliberately generalist organization enables us to respond with agility to companies’ routine needs, as well as to their most exceptional requirements, offering them tailor-made solutions.

Affirma has structured itself to provide relevant answers to business issues in a context where the profession of chartered accountant is evolving and business needs are changing.

At affirma, we believe in the importance of state-of-the-art tools and technologies. That's why we've integrated high-performance tools and software platforms that optimize our efficiency and simplify our customers' processes.

We also support them in implementing these innovative solutions, paving the way for simplified, efficient management.

We’re proud of our team of some twenty professionals, determined to offer the best solutions to our customers. Each member of our team is committed to providing personalized support tailored to the needs of each assignment entrusted to us by our customers…

Our values


Nous nous engageons pleinement dans les projets confiés par nos clients. A l'écoute de leurs attentes, nous faisons de leurs enjeux notre priorité, et veillons à les accompagner tout le long de leur activité.


Part essentielle de notre ADN, notre cabinet veille à conserver, en toutes circonstances, un climat d'écoute, de respect et de dialogue envers nos acteurs internes et externes.


Plus qu'une valeur, l'excellence de nos expertises et de notre savoir-faire est une garantie que nous offrons à nos clients dans chacune des missions qui nous sont confiées.


Affirma s'engage dans une démarche agile et d'amélioration continue. Nous veillons constamment à nous adapter aux besoins spécifiques de chaque entreprise.


Intégration complète dans l'entreprise cliente pour mieux piloter, orienter et faire progresser les équipes financières et administratives.


Au cœur de nos professions, la transparence est le fondement de notre relation client. Nous cultivons une communication ouverte et honnête, offrant ainsi à nos clients une confiance totale dans nos actions et décisions. vous gardez l'accès complet à vos données

Our areas of expertise

Accounting expertise

Statutory auditors

Financial Consulting

Administrative and social

Legal and tax

Our partners

Our tools