Control your financial compliance and protect your company's interests by calling in a statutory auditor.

Our team can help you meet investor and regulatory requirements. and guarantee a true and fair view of your accounts to your company's partners and third parties.

Commissariat aux comptes

Use our tools to analyze your internal procedures, financial flows and reports, to prevent risks, guarantee reliability and strengthen trust between parties.

  • Legal or contractual audits of annual accounts and internal procedures
  • Certify annual financial statements
  • Carry out all exceptional assignments for which the statutory auditor is required by the French Commercial Code.

Commissariat aux apports

  • Assess and certify the value of all types of contributions in kind (real estate assets, securities, business goodwill, etc.).

Commissariat à la transformation

  • Verify mergers, acquisitions and demergers.
  • Prepare the report for the legal transformation of companies when required

Commissariat aux avantages particuliers

  • Verify the regularity and conformity of special benefits granted to company executives or shareholders.
  • Analyze specific remuneration, loans or subsidies granted, and transactions with related parties.